ECHO DE'CHIEN F-litter coming summer 2016

We are very excited and looking forward to having puppies again this summer. When all goes well there will be puppies born beginning of July from combination:  

EE FI BLR CH TLNWCup15 EEJCH EEJW14 Echo de'Chien Carmen (Gabriella Mia la Joie Blanche x Echo de'Chien Aslan Warrior). HD: A/A ED:0/0 Eye tested: ditachias & BISS CIB EE FI SE DK NO NORDIC CH HEJW'11 HEW'11'14'15 EEW'12'13 NORDICW'11'12 DKW'12 FIW'11 FIJW'11 WW'14 Chenespace Patron (Chenespace Kamille x Pyrview's Spartan Warrior). HD:C/A ED:0/0 Eye tested: clear




 This combination will be linebreed to beautiful Canadian male FI EE US CAN CH Pyrview's Spartan Warrior -TR who has produced beautiful, well balanced offspring's with great temperaments. TR sired the first litter (A-litter) in our kennel witch I am very pleased with from  8 puppies 5 have been x-rayed for hips 3xA/A, 1xB/A and 1x0/0 (UK) and his other offspring's in Finland have also excellent hip results witch can be seen on Finnish open database. TR is HD: A/A ED:0/0 NDG clear and eye tested.

Is now back in Canada and showing with excellent results winning Groups and BIS, Congratulations team Pyrview's 

Pyrview's Spartan Warrior - TR
Pyrview's Spartan Warrior - TR
Pyrview's Spartan Warrior- TR head and expression
Pyrview's Spartan Warrior- TR head and expression

CIB* LT EE FI BLR CH TLNWCup15 EEJCH EEJW14 Echo de'Chien Carmen 

(Gabriella Mia la Joie Blanche x Echo de'Chien Aslan Warrior) is a beautiful female who has shown correct temperament of the breed. Won special prize BEST TEMEPERAMENT in Estonian National Specialty 2016 under Helge Werner Hagen, Norway. Carmen is co-owned with Hissu Toivonen (kennel Black Shephards) and Tytti Grönqvist (kennel Traumalauman) in Finland and lives a simple farm dog life where she is used to horses, cows, sheep, chickens etc and has shown that she has correct behavior and temperament to be a LGD dog. Carmen also like to be in shows and is very outgoing and loves to cuddle a lot.

She is a very promising show girl and also been group placed and competed for the most winning Pyrenean Mountain Dog title in Estonia with following results: 

#3rd most winning PMD in Estonia 2014

#3rd most winning Junior PMD in Estonia 2014

#4th most winning EPLK Club show dog 2014


#1st most winning PMD bitch in Estonia 2015

#4th most winning PMD in Estonia 2015 

#4th most winning EPLK Club show dog 2015 


Carmen was born out of CIB FI EE LV LT BY RUS RKF BALT CH Euraasia CH EEW'09'11'12 BALTW10 EUJW08 FIN JW08 HU EE JCH Gabriella Mia La Joie Blanche and BIS FI EE CH WCUP13 TLNW12 TLNJW12 EEJW12 EEJCH Echo de'Chien Aslan Warrior .  

Echo de'Chien Aslan Warrior has been the most winning Estonia breed Pyr in history competing in TOP Show dog level in All Breeds and the 1st Pyrenean ever to win BEST IN SHOW in Estonia

Echo de'Chien Carmen
Echo de'Chien Carmen

BISS CIB EE FI SE DK NO NORDIC CH HEJW'11 HEW'11'14'15 EEW'12'13 NORDICW'11'12 DKW'12 FIW'11 FIJW'11 WW'14  Chenespace Patron

(Chenespace Kamille x Pyrview's Spartan Warrior) MR is lovely male witch I have always liked. Has great pigmentation, great mover, lovely head and expression and lovely temperament. Has won two specialty shows (Estonia 2011 and Finland 2013) and BIS1 in Finnish Specialty BIS 2 in Estonian Specialty and BIS 1 Junior in Estonian Specialty and also BOB in World Winner 2014 in Helsinki, Finland. 

Mr is also very outgoing and like to be shown, has won several group wins and competed for the Most Winning Pyrenean Mountain Dog in Finland title with following results:

# 3rd most winning PMD in Finland 2011

# 1st most winning PMD in Finland 2012
#2nd most winning PMD in Finland 2013


Chenespace Patron - BOB in Finnish Specialty 2013 judged by Alain Pecoult, France. photo Chenespace
Chenespace Patron - BOB in Finnish Specialty 2013 judged by Alain Pecoult, France. photo Chenespace
Chenespace Patron - BOB and BIS 2 in Estonian Specialty 2011 judged by Alain Pecoult, France. Photo Tiina Haak
Chenespace Patron - BOB and BIS 2 in Estonian Specialty 2011 judged by Alain Pecoult, France. Photo Tiina Haak
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